Areas of Practice
Divorce is never easy, even when both partners agree that it’s the right decision. The dissolution of a marriage involves crucial decisions about how your shared property will be divided and how your children will be cared for. At The Law Office of Towers & Associates, P.C., we aim to help clients in the Brooklyn area and throughout New York to get through their divorces without added stress or difficulty. Our knowledge of New York laws and practices enables us to provide advice on all aspects of divorce, and to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Spousal Maintenance
When determining whether or not spousal maintenance, (formerly “alimony”) should be granted, how much should be awarded and for how long, judges in New York apply a set of statutory guidelines in addition to appraising various factors: the length of the couple’s marriage, their standard of living during the marriage, the relative income of each individual, and the needs of each spouse. Retaining a skillful alimony attorney can help you convince the court that you need support, increasing the chance that alimony will be awarded. Alternatively, we can also work to convince the judge that your ex does not need spousal support or needs less than he or she asked for.
Divorce Agreements
Even when couples believe that they agree on all aspects of their divorce, complications can arise. Our lawyers will make sure that you are ready and able to move forward after reviewing issues such as:
Adherence to New York laws on child custody and support arrangements
New York’s requirements on jurisdiction, divorce grounds and length of residency
Whether all relevant financial information (which is is each spouse’s right to know) has been properly shared by both sides
Potential debts and future obligations that might be covered in the agreement
Equitable distribution of all marital property
Provisions for current and future benefits such as pensions, insurance policies and retirement accounts
Though many couples are motivated to seek an uncontested divorce to avoid a lengthy legal process, The Law Office of Towers & Associates, P.C. attorneys will make sure that no relevant matter is missed as you look to start a new chapter in your lives.
Child Support
At the Law Office of Towers & Associates, P.C., we understand perhaps more than anyone the immense cost that comes with raising a family. That’s why we will fight tooth and nail to get you the most child support possible, so that your child or children are fully provided for.
Child Custody
If you are at odds with your child’s other parent about where your child should live, how much time they should spend with each parent or how they should be raised, it is essential to seek the advice of a qualified family law attorney. The counselors at The Law Office of Towers & Associates, P.C. can present your case and advocate for your rights to raise your child in a healthy, thriving environment. We represent parents in New York child custody disputes in the Brooklyn area and throughout southern New York. Above all else, our law firm is committed to protecting your child’s best interests while upholding your parental bonds.
Orders of Protection
In New York orders of protection arising from family offenses and domestic violence are issued by the Supreme, Family and criminal courts. Each state recognizes orders issued by every other state. The purpose of these orders is to limit the behavior of the harmful or threatening person so that you do not have to live in fear of further abuse. Our attorney can help you understand exactly how orders of protection work in New York. These orders provide relief that may include:
Stay-away provisions — These require someone to stay a certain distance away from the person who filed the order. This order can be extended to protect your children as well.
No-contact provisions — An order of protection can prevent someone from attempting any contact with the protected person. This includes personal contact as well as contact by phone, computer, mail or even contact through a third party.
Other common provisions may require the person the order is aimed at to give up their weapons or stay away from your job or school. Our attorney will seek every possible legal remedy to protect you from someone who threatens you with harm.
Appellate Advocacy
Our attorneys monitor each case the firm tries for potential points of appeal, ensuring any errors against us are preserved for post-trial relief and that we are prepared to defend rulings in your favor. Likewise, we review any cases we accept from other firms for challenges such as:
Sufficiency of the evidence
Improper legal interpretation
Improperly admitted testimony
Expert admission
Procedural errors
Faulty jury instructions
Not all verdicts or decisions can be appealed, but we will undertake careful research of the facts in your case to advise you on the best course of action in an appeal.